Pokémon Mythology
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so bye bye miss american pie Pikalove

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Pokémon Mythology
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so bye bye miss american pie Pikalove
Pokémon Mythology
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so bye bye miss american pie

6 participantes

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so bye bye miss american pie Empty so bye bye miss american pie

Mensagem por ana Ter 17 Set 2013 - 22:11

drove my chevy to the levee,
but the levee was dry
and them good old boys were drinkin' whiskey and rye
singin', "this'll be the day that I die.
"this'll be the day that I die"

Feminino Idade : 26
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Data de inscrição : 08/01/2011

Frase pessoal : ta dentro dos limites

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so bye bye miss american pie Empty Re: so bye bye miss american pie

Mensagem por Caio. Ter 17 Set 2013 - 22:18

zero hour
nine a.m.

it's gonna be a timeless flight

so bye bye miss american pie HokOmTd

so bye bye miss american pie NQUBRsR

Outro / Não divulgar Idade : 27
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Data de inscrição : 27/06/2010

Frase pessoal : A noir. E blanc. I rouge. U vert. O bleu.

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so bye bye miss american pie Empty Re: so bye bye miss american pie

Mensagem por ana Ter 17 Set 2013 - 22:21

a long, long time ago
i can still remember
how that music used to make me smile

Feminino Idade : 26
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Data de inscrição : 08/01/2011

Frase pessoal : ta dentro dos limites

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so bye bye miss american pie Empty Re: so bye bye miss american pie

Mensagem por Caio. Ter 17 Set 2013 - 22:22

foi num baile da vida ou num bar em troca de pão,
que muita gente boa pois o pé na profissão
de tocar um instrumento e de cantar
não importando se quem pagou quis ouvir
foi assim

so bye bye miss american pie HokOmTd

so bye bye miss american pie NQUBRsR

Outro / Não divulgar Idade : 27
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Data de inscrição : 27/06/2010

Frase pessoal : A noir. E blanc. I rouge. U vert. O bleu.

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so bye bye miss american pie Empty Re: so bye bye miss american pie

Mensagem por MEMEMASTER420 Ter 17 Set 2013 - 22:33

o nosso bonde só porta novinha
de elite no estilo modelo
e lá de cima ganhei no salão
a mais linda a mais top do baile inteiro
novinha gata mais cobiçada
todo mundo quer dar condição

so bye bye miss american pie 1TLnpiG

Masculino Idade : 26
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Data de inscrição : 30/04/2011

Frase pessoal : Aqui estou eu na toca do Rayquaza


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so bye bye miss american pie Empty Re: so bye bye miss american pie

Mensagem por Gehrman Ter 17 Set 2013 - 22:38

The time when I feared those simple days was long ago.
Now I know that these complicated days are what are truly sad.

It's not that I want to return, my heart that wants to believe is, listen,
Screaming at your back, saying that you're not mistaken.

The two of us engrave the same time, and we believe in the same future.
Yesterday's teardrops and today's smile both stay as the truth.

We know the same pain, and we gather the same kindness
Because it will change into the strength that will let us live tomorrow.

I was there, at that time, at that place.
If that me who was fighting there, if everything was for the sake of choosing this moment right now...

I wonder if the reason I want to forgive
That past where we deserted without facing ourselves is because I want to be forgiven myself.

The time when we were able to just be free is far away.
We can't live in this time with just an innocent smile, but

We move ahead. Even so, we continue to move ahead
Because we still have a heart left inside of us that wants to believe in something.

Hey, up until now, and from here on out, too,
We will not wish for anything big.

The two of us engrave the same time, and we believe in the same future.
Yesterday's teardrops and today's smile both stay as the truth.

We know the same pain, and we gather the same kindness,
And if it will change into the strength that will let us live tomorrow, I'm sure...

so bye bye miss american pie KQyVGme
so bye bye miss american pie NkJEguh
so bye bye miss american pie ALGS6KV
Fanfic Mod
Fanfic Mod

Masculino Idade : 25
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Data de inscrição : 27/04/2011

Frase pessoal : NÃO TEM MEDCO

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so bye bye miss american pie Empty Re: so bye bye miss american pie

Mensagem por Itadakima-tsu Ter 17 Set 2013 - 22:49

Namora, mas adora um proibido
E eu que sou culpado e eu que sou bandido
Prefere um romance escondido
Sai na madrugada pra dar lancinho comigo

so bye bye miss american pie Hatsune_miku_02__winks__by_jerikuto-d6tga9l
so bye bye miss american pie Hatsune_miku_02__winks__by_jerikuto-d6tga9l
so bye bye miss american pie Hatsune_miku_02__winks__by_jerikuto-d6tga9l
so bye bye miss american pie Hatsune_miku_02__winks__by_jerikuto-d6tga9lso bye bye miss american pie Hatsune_miku_02__winks__by_jerikuto-d6tga9lso bye bye miss american pie Hatsune_miku_02__winks__by_jerikuto-d6tga9l
so bye bye miss american pie Hatsune_miku_02__winks__by_jerikuto-d6tga9l
so bye bye miss american pie VQtu4

Masculino Idade : 25
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Data de inscrição : 01/04/2012

Frase pessoal : cocaína nem é droga direito

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so bye bye miss american pie Empty Re: so bye bye miss american pie

Mensagem por xGuhendi Ter 17 Set 2013 - 23:05

Rock Porra!!

so bye bye miss american pie Hard_ninja_by_quatroevinte-d6f7tw5

Sign by: Diamandis

Masculino Idade : 26
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Data de inscrição : 08/09/2012

Frase pessoal : nada


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